Renowned throughout the north-east of England for the quality of accommodation and care it provides for residents, Wellburn Care Homes takes a great deal of pride in its reputation.
A family-run business, Wellburn operates some twelve care homes in Yorkshire and Northumberland, catering for the needs of more than 500 residents.
The company’s mantra of ‘care without compromise’ is reflected in its commitment to constant improvement and to ensuring that all of its residential facilities are as safe, comfortable and homely as possible.
In maintaining such high standards, Wellburn is keenly aware of the ever-changing demands imposed by performance standards, building regulations and legislation as well as the need to assure a high quality of life for its residents.
It is these considerations that have led Wellburn to select the Powermatic concealed, controlled door closer for room and access doors in its care homes. The door closer meets fire and accessibility requirements, including BS-EN 1634-1 for half-hour and one-hour fire doors and opening forces that enable doors to comply with Approved Document M of the Building Regulations, but has the added advantage of being totally concealed from view when the door is closed.
All of these features and benefits provided the perfect solution for Wellburn, as site technical manager, David Dryden, explains, “Powermatic ticks all the right boxes for us. It enables us to make sure that our doors meet the various technical performance standards whilst avoiding the institutionalised appearance that surface mounted closers have a tendency to create.